Lagos Autogas LPG Peania Attica - Car Repair - Car Gas Installation - Car Service - KTEO Inspection - Car Damages Paiania Attica

Lagos Autogas LPG Peania Attica - Car Repair - Car Gas Installation - Car Service - KTEO Inspection - Car Damages Paiania Attica

50298 Visitors:
Address: Markopoulou Avenue 17
Area: Peania
Telephone: 6949034060
Mobile: -
P.C.: 19002
Category: GAS - LPG
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
I am Lagos Panagiotis, owner of the Lagos LPG workshop Since 1981, together with my father Dimitris Lagos, who was born in Greece with BP !, for this reason our workshop is located inside the BP service station, we work two Italian LPG appliances for installations from the beginning, one is the well-known and well-publicized Lovato and one Digitronic another one of the leading companies for LPG in Italy and that.   For a four-cylinder car with the last euro paid.   That is,...
50298 Visitors:

Markopoulou Avenue 17, Peania

50298 Visitors:

I am Lagos Panagiotis, owner of the Lagos LPG workshop Since 1981, together with my father Dimitris Lagos, who was born in Greece with BP !, for this reason our workshop is located inside the BP service station, we work two Italian LPG appliances for installations from the beginning, one is the well-known and well-publicized Lovato and one Digitronic another one of the leading companies for LPG in Italy and that.


For a four-cylinder car with the last euro paid.


That is, the declaration of the license in relation to KTEO is at 850 euros depending on the cylinders and the horses are configured and the price, nine out of ten four-cylinder cars the price that comes out is the above paragraph, and regarding the service of the devices, we can we install these two companies from the beginning of the installation of LPG on cars, but in terms of service of cars that have LPG of other companies We undertake all the LPG appliances to make them work properly due to the huge experience we have on the object, to we do service, plus what we provide and what the KTEO needs in order for a LPG car to pass the control of the KTEO, we work as best as possible as a spare part on cars that have LPG, with a 1 year warranty as well as mechanical work on cars that have LPG mainly with one of the best and most well-known companies with liq improvers and oils ui moly this report for the change of oils and some other products, from the 40 that is liquefied gas in Italy in IX and is locked the price of the share of gas to be half forever and this was seen with the changes of Prices that we are giving now, Come to an environment that has to do with the people themselves who have the general workshop which as a main specialty has LPG but also for full service of cars mainly those that have LPG on But not that others will chase them Just those that have LPG on them have priority. Perfect and completely new prices to help people sleep economically ecologically and with a longer engine life due to no fuel residues and without being able to distort the fuel. All this in the European Union in all countries are subsidized to understand plus that they do not pay traffic taxes at some point they will be forced and here we do all this, below you will see some photos from the store for some of the work of the above companies I mentioned .


Car Gas Installation
Car Service
KTEO control
Car breakdowns
50298 Visitors:

Markopoulou Avenue 17

Telephone: 6949034060

Working Hours
